周倩 2006年进入亿博检测技术有限公司,担任高级销售顾问。
精通各类检测认证标准,服务过上千家企业。 联系方式:13543272815(微信同号) 座机:027-87609413 传真:027-88180138
Option 1: IEC 60950-1:2005; EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009
Option 2: IEC 60950-1:2005+A1:2009; EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010
Option 3: IEC 60950-1:2005+A1:2009; EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011
您可依转证国家和搭配系统需求择一申请上述版本。 EBO亿博检测机构同时也提供以下附件数据供您参考:
Annex I: 各版本生效及到期日明细。
Annex II: 针对EN 60950-1/A12:2011标准内容的重点节录。
vAnnex I: Transition Period for EN 60950-1
Transition Period of EN 60950-1
Standard |
停止发证 |
证书失效 |
EN 60950-1: 2001 (第一版) |
EN 60950-1/ A11: 2004 (第一版) |
Not specified |
EN 60950-1: 2006 (第二版) |
EN 60950-1/ A11: 2009 (第二版) |
EN 60950-1/ A1: 2010 (第二版) |
EN 60950-1/ A12:2011 (第二版) |
* |
* |
1. DOR (date of ratification) 核准日期:CENELEC技术委员会核准此EN或HD通过的日期
2. DAV (date of availability) 生效日期:CENELEC中央秘书处发布以官方语言表示的EN或HD最终确定内容的日期
3. DOA (date of announcement) 宣布日期:CENELEC会员必须将此EN或HD宣布为国家标准的最后期限
4. DOP (date of publication) 发布日期:此EN必须已被发行为国家标准或是被签署的方式导入至各国的最后期限
5. DOW (date of withdrawal) 撤销日期:与此EN或是HD相抵触的国家标准必须被撤销的最后期限
6. ”*”:相关日期尚未公布于欧洲官方月刊上
Annex II: EN 60950-1/A12:2011 (issued date: Feb. 2011) 重点节录 Date:
删除旧条文针对携带式声源系统(Portable Sound System)之定义及规定 •
新增章节Zx, 主要针对携带式个人音乐播放机 (Personal Music Player)
- 定义产品范围1)
- 相关警语2)
- 声响输出限制值3)
Note: 1) A personal music player is a portable equipment for personal use, that:
- is designed to allow the user to listen to recorded or broadcast sound or video; and
- primarily uses headphones or earphones that can be worn in or on or around the ears; and
- allows the user to walk around while in use.
NOTE 1 Examples are hand-held or body-worn portable CD players, MP3 audio players, mobile phones with MP3 type features, PDA's or similar equipment.
2) The warning shall be placed on the equipment, or on the packaging, or in the instruction manual and shall consist of the following:
- The symbol of Figure 1 with a minimum height of
- The following wording, or similar:
To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods.
3) Limitation
A. Equipment provided as a package (player with its listening device): The acoustic output shall be ≤ 100 dBA measured while playing the fixed "programme simulation noise" described in EN 50332-1.
B. A personal music player provided with an analogue electrical output socket for a listening device: The electrical output shall be ≤ 150 mV measured as described in EN 50332-2, while playing the fixed "programme simulation noise" described in EN 50332-1.
C. Wired listening devices with analogue input (headphones/ earphones): With 94 dBA sound pressure output LAeq,T, the input voltage of the fixed "programme simulation noise" described in EN 50332-2 shall be ≥ 75 mV.
D. Wired listening devices with digital input (headphones/ earphones): With any playing device playing the fixed "programme simulation noise" described in EN 50332-1 (and respecting the digital interface standards, where a digital interface standard exists that specifies the equivalent acoustic level), the acoustic output LAeq,T of the listening device shall be ≤ 100 dBA.
E. Wireless listening devices: The acoustic output LAeq,T of the listening device shall be ≤ 100 dBA.
周倩 2006年进入亿博检测技术有限公司,担任高级销售顾问。
精通各类检测认证标准,服务过上千家企业。 联系方式:13543272815(微信同号) 座机:027-87609413 传真:027-88180138